Tanzania is endowed with the rich cultural heritage of 120 ethnic tribes. The Cultural Tourism Program provides visitors with authentic cultural experiences that combine nature, scenery, folklore, ceremonies, dances, rituals, tales, art, handicrafts and hospitality that give a unique insight into the people’s way of life.

It is a rewarding experience to leave the safari vehicle behind and walk through the lush tropical slopes of Mt Meru or Mt Kilimanjaro while Waarusha, Wameru or Wachagga guides proudly describe their carefully cultivated shambas with coffee, bananas, fruits, vegetables and dairy cow farming.

Discover how many steps it takes to grow, pick, dry, roast, pound and brew fresh aromatic coffee. Participate in the process yourself before enjoying the taste and taking home your very personal packet of Tanzanian coffee! In the pastoral areas of the north you can follow the Iraqw, Barbaiq, and Maasai tracks to explore almost forgotten traditions and a way of life that is closely linked to nature and wildlife. In southern Tanzania follow the famous drumbeats and let the Ndali dancers interpret the music and performances they inherited from their ancestors. Taste the local cuisine, with all the culinary variations of Ugali, Makande, Machalari, Pilau, Chapati, Nyama choma, and sample the local brew.

Sense the culture and history of the Swahili people of coastal Tanzania. Explore the savannahs on a camel’s back. Boat down a river or row in one of the many lakes while listening to hair-raising legendary tales! Paddle between mangroves and sail with the fishermen to pristine sandy islands. Climb a holy mountain and rest in the shade of a giant baobab tree in the Rift Valley. Meet the friendly inhabitants of Tanzania’s “Switzerland” while hiking through the Usambara Mountains. Admire ancient irrigation systems or today’s local craftsmanship. Listen to a traditional healer’s diagnostic methods and obtain the correct remedial prescriptions.

Come and visit the people of Tanzania!