5 Days marangu route climbing kilimanjaro

Day 1: This 5 days marangu route Climbing Kilimanjaro Program;You will be picked up and transferred to Keys Hotel in Moshi followed by briefing from your mountain guide and rest on BB accomodation plan

Day 2: We leave Moshi to Kilimanjaro gate – Mandara Hut. Take a short drive from Moshi or Arusha town to the Kilimanjaro Park Gate (1,830 m.) lies at the edge of Marangu, which is an attractive village with many small coffee and banana plantations. After completing the entrance formalities, we climb up through attractive and unspoiled forest to reach the clearing containingMandara Hut (2,700 m.). The volcanic remains of Maundi Crater are nearby, and make a good afternoon excursion. An alternative is to rest and enjoy the beautiful forest. There is a rich birdlife at the huts and monkeys are often seen as well. [3-5 hours walking to Mandara Hut 5 days Marangu route

Day 3: We leave Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut The first part of the walk is a steep ascent through forest, but the path soon opens out into grassy moorland and, in clear weather, there are good views of Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. We climb steadily through the moorland zone, containing giant heather and occasional stands of groundsel, to eventually reach Horombo Hut (3,720 m.). Sunrises and sunsets here are often very stunning, the site is close to the glaciated dome of Kibo, and there is a real sense of being above the clouds. [4-6 hours walking from Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut]

Day 4: Weleave Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut Through Desert Saddle we climb very gradually towards the lunar desert of the Saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo. The terrain changes to screed and there is a palpable sense of high altitude wilderness. We usually reach Kibo Hut (4,700 m.) at the bottom of the crater wall by midday and the afternoon is free (to contemplate the summit ascent!!). The remainder of the day is spent resting and eating in preparation for the final climb before a very early night! [4-5 hours walking from Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut]

Day 5: We leave Kibo Hut to Summit, and down to Horombo Hut We will start our ascent by torchlight at about 1 a.m. so that we can be up at Gillman’s Point by sunrise. The initial climb is steep over loose volcanic screen, but there are some well-graded zig-zag and a slow but steady pace will have us up to Gillman’s (5,685 m.) in about five or six hours. We will rest there and spend some time taking in the sunrise. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three hour round trip from here along the crater rim to Uhuru Peak (5,896 m.), passing close to the spectacular glaciers that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent is surprisingly fast and we return to Horombo Hut for the night. [11-15 hours walking from Kibo Hut to Gillman’s Point]

Day 6: Safari to Kilimanjaro Retrace through Forest We retrace our steps with a pleasant moorland walk to Mandara and then a lovely forest walk to the National Park gates to Moshi or Arusha town. The greenness and lushness of the forest is quite a stunning contrast to the summit day, and it really makes you realize how varied the scenery on Kilimanjaro really is. [5-6 hours walking]

We recommend you can extend your stay  a little breeze on Zanzibar beaches or Ngorongoro Crater safari from at least 2 days.

Day 7: End of services, you will transferred to Airport for your flight back home

End of  5 day Kilimanjaro climb Marangu route

Contact Us

Included in this tour:

  • 2 nights accommodation at Keys Hotel in Moshi
  • All nights accommodation in Huts.
  • Professional, experienced, mountain guides.
  • All Park fees and Rescue fees.
  • All meals while on the Mountain
  • Arrival and Departure transfers
  • Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees
  • Large portions of  fresh, healthy, nutritious food:
  • Clean, purified drinking water:
  • Fair and ethical treatment of porters:
  • Sleeping Mattress


  • Tanzania Visa: $50 per person on arrival
  • Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
  • Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)
  • Tips and any items of personal nature.

7 Days lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing

7 days lemosho route kilimanjaro climbing

This 7 days lemosho route Kilimanjaro Climbing On your arrival day before the beginning of your Kilimanjaro experience, your guide will do a briefing and a gear check.

These essential steps will ensure security for all and significantly increase your chance of success.

Day 2:  Arusha or Moshi – Londorossi Gate (2100m) – Mti Mkubwa camp (2750m).
Hiking time: 3 hours.
Habitat: Montane forest.

After eating breakfast at your hotel, your guide will brief you on the day. You will drive two hours from Arusha (1400m) to Londorossi Park Gate (2100m). In the village near Londorossi Gate, you will receive a packed lunch and can buy mineral water for the hike. Then the final 45 minutes of the drive leading up to the gate will be on a bumpy forest track requiring 4WD vehicles.

At the entrance gate, the guides and porters distribute the supplies and register with the Tanzania National Parks Authority (TANAPA). You are now ready to begin your 3-hour hike into the rain forest. Be on the lookout for Colobus monkeys! Along the way, you will stop for an afternoon lunch break and arrive at Mti Mkubwa (“Big Tree”) Campsite (2750m) in the early evening.

`The porters, who arrive at the campsite before the clients, will set up your tent and boil water for drinking and washing. The chef will prepare a snack then dinner for the clients. At nighttime, mountain temperatures may drop to freezing so be prepared!

Day 3: Mti Mkubwa Camp (2750m) – Shira 2 Camp (3840m).
Hiking time: 6.5 hours.
Habitat: Moorland.

After an early morning breakfast, you will begin your ascent out of the rainforest and into the heather moorland zone. You will cross many streams and walk over a plateau that leads to Shira 2 Camp (3840m). At this campsite, you will be next to a stream and have a spectacular view of the Western Breach and its glaciers in the East.

Similar to the first night, your tents will be set up prior to arriving at camp and the porters will prepare drinking and washing water for you. You will enjoy evening snacks then dinner prepared by our chef. Be prepared for a cold night as temperatures drop below freezing at this exposed camp.

Day 3: Shira (3840m) – Lava Tower (4630m) – Barranco Camp (3950m).
Hiking time: 7 hours.
Distance: Approximately 15 kilometers.
Habitat: Semi desert.

Following an early morning breakfast, you will leave the moorland environment and enter the semi desert and rocky landscape. After 5 hours of walking east, you will be come face to face with the Lava Tower (4630m). Packed lunches are served at the Tower and hikers have the option of climbing the massive Lava Tower weather permitting. At this point of the hike, it is normal for hikers to start feeling the effects from the altitude including headaches and shortness of breath.

After lunch, you will descend from Lava Tower (4630m) to the Barranco Campsite (3950m). The 6800m descent gives hikers a huge advantage to allow their bodies to adjust to the conditions of high altitude. The descent to camp takes around 2 hours to reach. It is located in a valley below the Breach and Great Barranco Wall (“Breakfast Wall”). Drinking and washing water and dinner will be served as hikers view the sun setting.

Day 4:  Barranco Camp (3950m) – Karanga Camp (3950m).
Hiking time: 4-5 hours.
Distance: Approximately 5 kilometers.
Habitat: Alpine desert.

This is a short hiking day meant for acclimatization. After an early morning breakfast, it is now time to conquer the Great Barranco Wall! Although it may look intimating at first glance, hikers state that this Class 2 hike is usually much easier than they anticipated. At the top of the Wall, you will have a view of Heim Glacier and will be above the clouds. The trail then winds up and down in the Karanga Valley. You will spend the night at Karanga Camp (3950m) and enjoy dinner and washing at the site.

Day 5: Karanga Camp (3959m) – Barafu Hut (4600).
Hiking time: 2-3 hours.
Distance: Approximately 4 kilometers.
Habitat: Alpine desert.

After breakfast, you will begin your ascent. The trail intersects with the Mweka Route, which is the trail used to descend on the final two days. As you continue hiking for an hour, you will reach Barafu Hut. This is the last water stop for the porters because there is no accessible water at Barafu Camp (4550m). The word “barafu” in Swahili means “ice” and this camp is located on a rocky, exposed ridge.

Tents will be exposed to wind and rocks so it is important for hikers to familiarize themselves with the campsite before dark. An early dinner will be served so hikers can rest before attempting the summit the same night. Your guide will brief you in detail on how to prepare for summit night. Get to sleep by 19:00!

Day 6:  Summit day – Barafu Camp (4600m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Mweka (3100m).
Hiking time: 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak, 7-8 hours to descend to Mweka.
Distance: Approximately 7 kilometers ascent and 23 kilometers descent.
Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit.

Your guide will wake you around 23:30 for tea and biscuits. You will then begin your summit attempt. The route heads northwest and you will ascend over stone scree. During the ascent, many hikers feel that this is the most mentally and physically challenging part of the climb. In about 6 hours, you will reach Stella Point (5685m), located on the crater rim.

After enjoying the magnificent sunrise, you will continue ascending for about 2 hours on a snow-covered trail to Uhuru Peak (5895m). Reaching the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro is a lifetime accomplishment! You will be able to spend a short time on the summit taking photographs and drinking tea before the descent to Barafu begins. The hike down to Barafu Camp takes about 3 hours.

At camp, you will rest and enjoy a hot lunch in the sun. After eating, you will continue descending down to Mweka Hut (3100m). The Mweka Trail will lead you through the scree and rocks to the moorland and eventually into the rain forest. Mweka Camp (3100m) is located in the upper rain forest, so fog and rain should be expected. You will have a dinner, wash, and rest soundly at camp.

Day 7; Mweka Camp (3100m) – Mweka Gate (1980m)
Hiking time: 3 hours.
Distance: Approximately 15 kilometers.
Habitat: Forest.

Following a well-deserved breakfast, your staff will have a big celebration full of dancing and singing. It is here on the mountain that you will present your tips to the guide, assistant guides, chef(s), and porters. After celebrating, you will descend for three hours back to Mweka Gate. The National Park requires all hikers to sign their names to receive certificates of completion.

Hikers who reached Stella Point (5685m) receive green certificates and hikers who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m) receive gold certificates. After receiving certificates, hikers will descend into the Mweka village for 1 hour (3 kilometers). You will be served a hot lunch then you will drive back to Arusha for long overdue showers and more celebrations.

Please  Contact Us  for more details about this itinerary.

Included in this tour:
• Quality, waterproof mountain sleeping tents.
• Professional, experienced, mountain guides.
• All Park fees and Rescue fees.
• All meals while on the Mountain.
• Arrival and Departure transfers.
• Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees.
• Mess tents with table and chairs:
• Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food:
• Clean, purified drinking water:
• Fair and ethical treatment of porters:
• Sleeping Mattress,

• Tanzania Visa: $50 per person on arrival.
• Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
• Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc.)
• Tips and any items of personal nature.

1 Person $ 2150
2 – 3 Persons $ 1950
4 – 10 Persons $ 1810

5 Days marangu route climbing kilimanjaro

5 Days marangu route climbing kilimanjaro

Day 1: This 5 days marangu route Climbing Kilimanjaro Program;You will be picked up and transferred to Keys Hotel in Moshi followed by briefing from your mountain guide and rest on BB accomodation plan

Day 2: We leave Moshi to Kilimanjaro gate – Mandara Hut.Take a short drive from Moshi or Arusha town to the Kilimanjaro Park Gate (1,830 m.) lies at the edge of Marangu, which is an attractive village with many small coffee and banana plantations. After completing the entrance formalities, we climb up through attractive and unspoiled forest to reach the clearing containingMandara Hut (2,700 m.). The volcanic remains of Maundi Crater are nearby, and make a good afternoon excursion. An alternative is to rest and enjoy the beautiful forest. There is a rich birdlife at the huts and monkeys are often seen as well. [3-5 hours walking to Mandara Hut] 5 days Marangu route

Day 3: We leave Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut The first part of the walk is a steep ascent through forest, but the path soon opens out into grassy moorland and, in clear weather, there are good views of Kibo and Mawenzi peaks. We climb steadily through the moorland zone, containing giant heather and occasional stands of groundsel, to eventually reach Horombo Hut (3,720 m.). Sunrises and sunsets here are often very stunning, the site is close to the glaciated dome of Kibo, and there is a real sense of being above the clouds. [4-6 hours walking from Mandara Hut to Horombo Hut]

Day 4: Weleave Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut Through Desert Saddle we climb very gradually towards the lunar desert of the Saddle between Mawenzi and Kibo. The terrain changes to screed and there is a palpable sense of high altitude wilderness. We usually reach Kibo Hut (4,700 m.) at the bottom of the crater wall by midday and the afternoon is free (to contemplate the summit ascent!!). The remainder of the day is spent resting and eating in preparation for the final climb before a very early night! [4-5 hours walking from Horombo Hut to Kibo Hut]

Day 5: We leave Kibo Hut to Summit, and down to Horombo Hut We will start our ascent by torchlight at about 1 a.m. so that we can be up at Gillman’s Point by sunrise. The initial climb is steep over loose volcanic screen, but there are some well-graded zig-zag and a slow but steady pace will have us up to Gillman’s (5,685 m.) in about five or six hours. We will rest there and spend some time taking in the sunrise. Those who are still feeling strong can make the three hour round trip from here along the crater rim to Uhuru Peak (5,896 m.), passing close to the spectacular glaciers that still occupy most of the summit area. The descent is surprisingly fast and we return to Horombo Hut for the night. [11-15 hours walking from Kibo Hut to Gillman’s Point]

Day 6: Safari to Kilimanjaro Retrace through Forest We retrace our steps with a pleasant moorland walk to Mandara and then a lovely forest walk to the National Park gates to Moshi or Arusha town. The greenness and lushness of the forest is quite a stunning contrast to the summit day, and it really makes you realize how varied the scenery on Kilimanjaro really is. [5-6 hours walking]

We recommend you can extend your stay  a little breeze on Zanzibar beaches or Ngorongoro Crater safari from at least 2 days.

Day 7: End of services, you will transferred to Airport for your flight back home

End of  5 day Kilimanjaro climb Marangu route

Contact Us

Included in this tour:

  • 2 nights accommodation at Keys Hotel in Moshi
  • All nights accommodation in Huts.
  • Professional, experienced, mountain guides.
  • All Park fees and Rescue fees.
  • All meals while on the Mountain
  • Arrival and Departure transfers
  • Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees
  • Large portions of  fresh, healthy, nutritious food:
  • Clean, purified drinking water:
  • Fair and ethical treatment of porters:
  • Sleeping Mattress


  • Tanzania Visa: $50 per person on arrival
  • Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
  • Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)
  • Tips and any items of personal nature.
1 Person $ 1700
2 – 3 Persons $ 1550
4 – 10 Persons $ 1450

7 Days Rongai route Kilimanjaro climbing

The Rongai route is the only route that approaches Kilimanjaro from the north, close to the Kenyan border. Though gaining popularity amongst climbers, this route still experiences low crowds. Rongai has a more gradual slope than the mountain’s other routes. It is the preferred route for those looking for an alternative to the popular Marangu route, for those who would like a more remote hike, and for those who are climbing during the rainy season (the north side receives less precipitation). Rongai is a moderately difficult route, and is highly recommended, especially for those with less backpacking experience.


Although the scenery is not as varied as the western routes, Rongai makes up for this by passing through true wilderness areas for nearly the entire way. Descent is made via the Marangu route.


cheetahtrekking offers Rongai as a seven day group climb or a six or seven private climb. The six day variation does not have an acclimatization day on day four at Mawenzi Tarn hut. DAY RONGAI ITINERARY




Rongai Gate to Rongai Cave

Elevation: 6,398 ft to 9,300 ft(

Distance: 8 km/5 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


We drive from Moshi or Arusha to Marangu Gate for permits before taking a short transfer to the Rongai Gate trailhead. The path winds through corn and potato fields and then climbs gently through the forest which is home to a variety of wildlife, including the black and white colobus monkey.




Rongai Cave to to Second Cave

Elevation: 9,300 ft to 11,300 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Heath


Second Cave to Kikelewa Cave

Elevation: 11,300 ft to 11,811 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Heath


We begin this morning with a steady incline up to Second Cave. We continue trekking though moorland, leaving the main trail for a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi, before finally arriving at Kikelewa Cave for the night.




Kikelewa Cave to Mawenzi Tarn

Elevation: 11,811 ft to 14,160 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


The hike today is short and steep up a grassy slope. Views of the wilderness area are stunning. As we exit the heath zone and emerge into the Alpine Desert zone, the landscape changes dramatically. Our camp is situated beneath the jagged spires of Mawenzi, at Mawenzi Tarn hut. The remainder of the day can be spent relaxing or exploring the area.




Mawenzi Tarn hut to Mawenzi Ridge

Elevation (ft): 14,160 ft -14,400 ft

Distance: 2 km/1 mile

Hiking Time: 1-2 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Mawenzi Ridge to Mawenzi Tarn hut

Elevation (ft): 14,400 ft -14,160 ft

Distance: 2 km/1 mile

Hiking Time: 1-2 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


This is an extra day meant for acclimatization and can be spent day hiking on Mawenzi Ridge. The unique landscape offers motivating views of Kibo and Mawenzi. After spending a few moments exploring the area we head back to Mawenzi Tarn for camp.




Marwenzi Tarn hut to Kibo Hut

Elevation (ft): 14,160 ft to 15,430 ft

Distance: 8 km/5 miles

Hiking Time: 5-6 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


We climb gradually, then cross the lunar desert of the “Saddle” between Mawenzi and Kibo. Our camp, Kibo Hut, sits at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. Once here we rest, enjoy an early dinner to prepare for the summit day.




Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak

Elevation (ft): 15,430 ft to 19,341 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

Habitat: Arctic


Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut

Elevation (ft): 19,341 ft to 12,250 ft

Distance: 16 km/10 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Heath


Very early in the morning (around midnight), we begin our push to the summit. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek. The wind and cold at this elevation and time of day can be extreme. We ascend in the darkness for several hours while taking frequent, but short, breaks. At Gilman’s point (18,600 ft), you will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you are ever likely to see coming over Mawenzi Peak. Finally, we arrive at Uhuru Peak- the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa.


After spending a few moments taking in the plains of Africa and your accomplishment, we descend to Horombo Hut. Later in the evening, we enjoy our last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned sleep.




Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate

Elevation (ft): 12,205 ft to 6,046 ft

Distance: 20 km/12 miles

Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


On our last day, we have a long trek mostly downhill through the tropical rainforest. Once at the park headquarters at Marangu gate, we collect our summit certificates. A vehicle will meet us here and drive us back to the hotel in Moshi or Arusha.

1 Person $ 2150
2 – 3 Persons $ 1950
4 – 10 Persons $ 1810

9 Days Lemosho route Itinerary

Day 1

Londorossi Gate to MtiMkubwa

Elevation: 7,742 ft to 9,498 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


We depart Moshi for Londorossi Gate, which takes about 4 hours, where you will complete entry formalities. Then drive to the Lemosho trailhead. Upon arrival at trailhead, we begin hiking through undisturbed forest which winds to the first camp site.




MtiMkubwa to Shira 1 Camp

Elevation: 9,498 ft to 11,500 ft

Distance: 8 km/5 miles

Hiking Time 5-6 hours

Habitat: Health


We continue on the trail leading out of the rain forest and into a savannah of tall grasses, heather and volcanic rock draped with lichen beards. As we ascend through the lush rolling hills and cross several streams, we reach the Shira Ridge before dropping gently down to Shira 1 Camp. Here we catch our first glimpse of Kibo across the plateau.




Shira 1 Camp to Moir Hut

Elevation: 11,500 ft to 13,800 ft

Distance: 11 km/7 miles

Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

Habitat: Heath


We explore the Shira Plateau for a full day. It is a gentle walk east on moorland meadows towards Shira 2 Camp. Then we divert from the main trail to Moir Hut, a little used site on the base of Lent Hills. A variety of walks are available on Lent Hills making this an excellent acclimatization opportunity. Shira Plateau is one of the highest plateaus on earth.




Moir Hut to Lava Tower

Elevation: 13,800 ft to 15,190 ft

Distance: 7 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


Lava Tower to Barranco Camp

Elevation: 15,190 ft to 13,044 ft

Distance: 3 km/2 miles

Hiking Time: 2-3 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


We begin the day climbing up a ridge and then head southeast towards the Lava Tower – a 300 ft tall volcanic rock formation. We descend down to Barranco Camp through the strange but beautiful SenecioForest to an altitude of 13,000 ft. Although you begin and end the day at the same elevation, the time spent at higher altitude is very beneficial for acclimatization.




Barranco Camp to Karanga Camp

Elevation: 13,044 ft to 13,106 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


We begin the day by descending into a ravine to the base of the Great Barranco Wall. Then we climb the non-technical but steep, nearly 900 ft cliff. From the top of the Barranco Wall we cross a series of hills and valleys until we descend sharply into Karanga Valley. One more steep climb up leads us to Karanga Camp. This is a shorter day meant for acclimatization.




Karanga Camp to Barafu Camp

Elevation: 13,106 ft to 15,331 ft

Distance: 4 km/2 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


We leave Karanga and hit the junction which connects with the Mweka Trail. We continue up to the rocky section to Barafu Hut. At this point, you have completed the Southern Circuit, which offers views of the summit from many different angles. Here we make camp, rest and enjoy an early dinner to prepare for the summit day. The two peaks of Mawenzi and Kibo are viewable from this position.




Barafu Camp to Uhuru Peak

Elevation: 15,331 ft to 19,341 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 miles

Hiking Time: 7-8 hours

Habitat: Arctic


Uhuru Peak to Crater Camp

Elevation: 19,341 ft to 18,865 ft

Distance: 1 km/.6 miles

Hiking Time: 0.5-1 hours

Habitat: Artic


During normal morning hours, we begin our push to the summit. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek. We ascend for several hours at a slow but steady pace while taking frequent, but short, breaks. The trail turns into heavy scree as we make the steep climb to the crater rim. At Stella Point (18,900 ft), we see the summit sign in the distance. We continue the around the crater rim until finally we arrive at Uhuru Peak- the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa.


We then descend a short distance to Crater Camp, where the rest of the staff will join us to set up camp. There is an option to hike to Reutsch Crater and the ash pit, or simply explore the areas around Furtwangler Glacier. Sleeping at this high altitude can be dangerous. Serious AMS can develop if adequate altitude acclimatization has not been achieved so the guides will monitor you very closely.




Crater Camp to Mweka Camp

Elevation: 18,865 ft to 10,065 ft

Distance: 12 km/7 miles

Hiking Time: 4-6 hours

Habitat: Artic


From Crater Camp, we now make our descent continuing straight down to the Mweka Hut camp site, stopping at Barafu for lunch. The trail is very rocky and can be quite hard on the knees; trekking poles are helpful. Mweka Camp is situated in the upper forest and mist or rain can be expected in the late afternoon. Later in the evening, we enjoy our last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned sleep.




Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate

Elevation: 10,065 ft to 5,380 ft

Distance: 10 km/6 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain Forestor


On our last day, we continue the descent to Mweka Gate and collect the summit certificates. At lower elevations, it can bewet and muddy. From the gate, we continue another hour to Mweka Village. A vehicle will meet us at Mweka Village or at the get if the weather is good to drive us back to the hotel in Moshi or Arusha to continure with your journey.

1 Person $ 2370
2 – 3 Persons $ 2260
4 – 10 Persons $ 2110

6 Days Machame route Kilimanjaro trekking

This 6 days Machame route Kilimanjaro climbing, total Days will be 8 days;The arrival day, 6 days on the Mountain and the Departure day. On the Arrival day you will meet your Guide at Moshi (Keys Hotel) for Pre briefing as well as Checking all the Mountain equipment’s to make sure that you’re well-equipped.

Day 1: Moshi – Machame camp.
in the morning, we depart from our hotel to the Gate at approximately 8:00 AM. This will take 45 minutes up to one hour Drive. It will take about one hour to do registration before you start trekking. You will walk for about four to five hours depending on the pace of the climbers. You will walk through a dense forest of fig and rubber trees, begonia flowers, and other tropical vegetation. A stop for picnic lunch will be made halfway to this evening’s campsite. As you continue your ascent, you will find that the tropical forest has given way to tall grasses and giant heather.

This initial stage of the climb is tranquil and relatively easy. There is no point in rushing to get to the camp, as there is little to do there. Guides tend to recommend a slow ascent, even at this point, for gradual acclimatization. Do not try to keep up with your porters, who will usually bind ahead. Instead, take time to admire the beauty of the rainforest. Overnight: Machame Camp (3000 mts).

Day 2: Machame Camp – Shira Camp
On this day you will wake-up at 6:00 or 6:30 AM. You will be greeted with a steaming cup of tea or coffee, and weather permitting, by a fabulous view of Uhuru peak if the view will be clear. Today’s trek takes you up a steep track through a savannah of tall grasses, volcanic rock, and bearded heather. You will encounter giant groundsels as you hike through a ghostly landscape of volcanic lava, caves, and streams.
Lunch will be taken just below the Shira Plateau, about three to four hours from Shira Camp. The hike to the next campsite takes approximately five hours and you should arrive between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. Most climbers tend to pace themselves, walking slowly and resting about every half-hour.
Overnight: Shira Camp (3800 Mts).

Day 3: Shira Camp to Barranco Camp
The entire Shira Plateau greets you this morning with sweeping vistas across to Meru and the Shira Needles. A steady walk takes you up to the pass at Lava Tower (4600 Mts), where you stop to have lunch. Crossing the Bastains stream, you will begin to descend towards Barranco Camp. The descent takes you along an immense canyon called Grand Barranco. Along the way, you will see numerous waterfalls, which are fed, by streams coming from the mountain, converging here to form the Umbwe River. Your camp is set at almost the same altitude as the night before. Today’s trek lasts for about six hours and arrival at camp is between 4:30PM and 5:30PM.
Overnight: Barranco Camp (3950 Mts).

Day 4: Barranco Camp – Barafu Camp
This morning you begin your hike to Barafu Camp via Karanga Camp, which is on the same altitude as Barranco Camp.
You will encounter a bit of a climb at Barranco Cliff and spend the rest of the trek climbing up and down the slopes of the mountain most of the way to camp. The climbing is not considered difficult and you should arrive in time for lunch (approximately 1:00PM) having trekked for about four hours.

In the afternoon you have to hike in the Karanga Valley where giant senecios and lobelia grow; then continue with the scenic climb to Barafu which is mostly on a moraine with a view of Mawenzi peak towering majestically to the right, and overhead, Kibo peak seemingly just out of reach. The alpine desert terrain encountered at this point is mostly a mineral environment with few lichens and mosses. Climbers arrive at Barafu Camp at around 3:30 or 4:30PM. Climbers who choose to ascend the peak will go to bed very early this night, as the next day is the longest one. Overnight: Barafu Camp (4600 Mts).
Ascent to Summit (5895 Mts) / Descent.

Day 5: Barafu Camp – Mweka Camp (3100 Mts)
You will be awakened at midnight and after a light breakfast, start climbing at around 12.00 0r 1:00 AM. It is at this stage that the climb becomes much more difficult. Here, very few will not be suffering from altitude sickness in some form or another; and climbers should carry as little as possible on this portion of the climb. Temperatures will range from -4° to 5° Fahrenheit. Making your way up a path that is flanked by the Ratzel and Rebman glaciers, you will climb for about six hours before reaching the edge of the crater, between Stella and Hans Meyer points. Another hour of climbing brings you to the summit.

Uhuru stands at 19,340 feet and is the highest point on the continent of Africa. The track around the edge of the crater is rocky and icy. Concentrate on your feet, and follow your guide very closely for this portion of the journey. 6 Days Kilimanjaro climb Machame route
The descent is no easier than the ascent. You will reach Kibo Hut after about three hours (around 11:30 AM). Climbers will be given the opportunity to rest and have some refreshments before continuing on to Mweka Camp for the night. Arriving into camp at around 5:00PM, you will have trekked a total of thirteen hours today.
Overnight: Mweka Camp (10,200ft) Mweka to the Gate.

Day 6: Mweka Camp – Gate:- On the final day of the journey, climbers descend from Mweka camp to the base. The descent to the gate will take approximately 3 hours and climbers usually arrive before noon. Upon arrival at the gate climbers will be rewarded with certificates for their success at climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and then get transferred back to Keys hotel.

Included in this tour:
• Quality, waterproof mountain sleeping tents.
• Professional, experienced, mountain guides.
• All Park fees and Rescue fees.
• All meals while on the Mountain.
• Arrival and Departure transfers. And Hotel 2 nights.
• Guides, Porters, cook salaries and park fees.
• Mess tents with table and chairs:
• Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food:
• Clean, purified drinking water:
• Fair and ethical treatment of porters:
• Sleeping Mattress,

• Tanzania Visa: $50 per person on arrival.
• Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
• Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc.)
• Tips for the Team and any items of personal nature.

1 Person $ 1950
2 – 3 Persons $ 1700
4 – 10 Persons $ 1630

6 Days Rongai route Kilimanjaro climbing

The Rongai route is the only route that approaches Kilimanjaro from the north, close to the Kenyan border. Though gaining popularity amongst climbers, this route still experiences low crowds. Rongai has a more gradual slope than the mountain’s other routes. It is the preferred route for those looking for an alternative to the popular Marangu route, for those who would like a more remote hike, and for those who are climbing during the rainy season (the north side receives less precipitation). Rongai is a moderately difficult route, and is highly recommended, especially for those with less backpacking experience.


Although the scenery is not as varied as the western routes, Rongai makes up for this by passing through true wilderness areas for nearly the entire way. Descent is made via the Marangu route.


Cheetah trekking® offers Rongai as a seven day group climb or a six or seven private climb. The six day variation does not have an acclimatization day on day four at Mawenzi Tarn hut camp.


Rongai Route map






Rongai Gate to Rongai Cave

Elevation: 6,398 ft to 9,300 ft

Distance: 8 km/5 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


We drive from Moshi to Marangu Gate for permits before taking a short transfer to the Rongai Gate trailhead. The path winds through corn and potato fields and then climbs gently through the forest which is home to a variety of wildlife, including the black and white colobus monkey.




Rongai Cave to to Second Cave

Elevation: 9,300 ft to 11,300 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Heath


Second Cave to Kikelewa Cave

Elevation: 11,300 ft to 11,811 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Heath


We begin this morning with a steady incline up to Second Cave. We continue trekking though moorland, leaving the main trail for a smaller path towards the jagged peaks of Mawenzi, before finally arriving at Kikelewa Cave for the night.




Kikelewa Cave to Mawenzi Tarn hut

Elevation: 11,811 ft to 14,160 ft

Distance: 5 km/3 miles

Hiking Time: 3-4 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


The hike today is short and steep up a grassy slope. Views of the wilderness area are stunning. As we exit the heath zone and emerge into the Alpine Desert zone, the landscape changes dramatically. Our camp is situated beneath the jagged spires of Mawenzi, at Mawenzi Tarn hut. The remainder of the day can be spent relaxing or exploring the area or hikking up on top of the ridge for acclimatization in the afternoon




Marwenzi Tarn hut to Kibo Hut

Elevation (ft): 14,160 ft to 15,430 ft

Distance: 8 km/5 miles

Hiking Time: 5-6 hours

Habitat: Alpine Desert


We climb gradually, then cross the lunar desert of the “Saddle” between Mawenzi and Kibo. Our camp, Kibo Hut, sits at the bottom of the Kibo crater wall. Once here we rest, enjoy an early dinner to prepare for the summit day.




Kibo Hut to Uhuru Peak

Elevation (ft): 15,430 ft to 19,341 ft

Distance: 6 km/4 miles

Hiking Time: 6-8 hours

Habitat: Arctic


Uhuru Peak to Horombo Hut

Elevation (ft): 19,341 ft to 12,250 ft

Distance: 16 km/10 miles

Hiking Time: 4-5 hours

Habitat: Heath


Very early in the morning (around midnight), we begin our push to the summit. This is the most mentally and physically challenging portion of the trek. The wind and cold at this elevation and time of day can be extreme. We ascend in the darkness for several hours while taking frequent, but short, breaks. At Gilman’s point (18,600 ft), you will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you are ever likely to see coming over Mawenzi Peak. Finally, we arrive at Uhuru Peak- the highest point on Mount Kilimanjaro and the continent of Africa.


After spending a few moments taking in the plains of Africa and your accomplishment, we descend to Horombo Hut. Later in the evening, we enjoy our last dinner on the mountain and a well-earned sleep.




Horombo Hut to Marangu Gate

Elevation (ft): 12,205 ft to 6,046 ft

Distance: 20 km/12 miles

Hiking Time: 5-7 hours

Habitat: Rain Forest


On our last day, we have a long trek mostly downhill through the tropical rainforest. Once at the park headquarters at Marangu gate, we collect our summit certificates. A vehicle will meet us here and drive us back to the hotel in Moshi.

1 Person $ 1900
2 – 3 Persons $ 1780
4 – 10 Persons $ 1650