6 Days Tanzania Lodge Safari

Day 1: Arusha – Lake Manyara: Travel Time: 2½ hours Distance: 130 km

This 6 days tanzania lodge safari will start with Pick up from your Hotel in Arusha where your Journey will start and transfer to Lake Manyara national park. We arrive in time for lunch after lunch head into the Lake Manyara National Park for an afternoon game drive.

This national park is one of Tanzania’s most dramatically located wildlife areas, consisting of a massive but shallow soda lake (covering two-thirds of the park), located at the foot of the Great Rift Valley’s western escarpment. The park’s varied habitat attracts a wide variety of animals, including one of Africa’s largest concentrations of elephants, Lake Manyara’s unique tree-climbing lions, as well as large flocks of flamingos attracted by the algae in the lake. Dinner and overnight as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 2: Lake Manyara – Serengeti Plains: Travel time: 6 hours Distance: 205 km
After breakfast we head towards the Serengeti National Park, via the beautiful high lying farmland of Karatu and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Leaving the highlands behind, we descend into the heart of wild Africa the Serengeti National Park with its endless plains, rolling into the distance as far as the eye can see.

We head to the central park area, known as the Seronera area, one of the richest wildlife habitats in the park, featuring the Seronera River, which provides a valuable water source to this area and therefore attracts wildlife well representative of most of the Serengeti’s species. You arrive in time for lunch and enjoy an afternoon game drive in the Serengeti national park. Dinner and overnight in the Seronera area, as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 3: Serengeti Plains Full Day
The whole day will be spent in this amazing world known destination. After the breakfast proceed for game viewing drive along the Sogore River Circuit, which loops into the plains south of the Seronera River, and which is good for possible Lion, Thomson gazelle, topi, ostrich and cheetah sightings. The Visitor Centre close to the Serengeti Seronera Lodge and public campsites is well worth a visit after the morning’s game drive. This nicely designed centre offers some interesting wildlife displays as well as a gift shop selling information leaflets and maps of the area. The centre also has a shop where cold drinks and snacks can be purchased, as well as a picnic area and information trail up and around a nearby kopje.

We will enjoy a relaxed picnic lunch at the centre in the shade of the giant acacia trees. In the afternoon we will follow the Kopjes Circuit, which goes anti-clockwise around the Maasai Kopjes, which usually attract a number of lion and some formidably large cobras. Kopjes are weathered granite outcrops, scattered around the plains, most of which are miniature ecosystems, providing shade and drinking water in pools left in the rock after the rains. This makes the kopjes particularly good for spotting wildlife in the dry seasons – including lions, which like to lie in wait for animals coming to drink! Dinner and overnight in the Seronera area, as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 4: Serengeti – Ngorongoro crater: Travel time: 4 hours {Distance: 145 km}
Early morning game drive as early as 0630am-0930am, this morning game drive offers you the best chance to capture early morning kills from the big 5. After exploring the park early morning head back for the main breakfast and then after the breakfast depart to Ngorongoro Conservation area.

We will stopover at Olduvai Gorge, boasting with a history dating back to the dawn of time. It was here, that the anthropologists Drs. Lois and Mary Leakey discovered the skulls of ‘Nutcracker Man’ and ‘Handy Man’, both very significant links in the chain of human evolution. Lunch will also be served at the Olduvai Gorge as you get the lecture of the evolution theory. There after proceed to Ngorongoro arriving late afternoon where you will spend the next few hours on the rim of the crater. Dinner and overnight in the Seronera area, as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater – Tarangire: Travel time: 3½ hours {Distance: 155 km}
After breakfast descend over 600 meters into the crater to view wildlife for a half day’s safari tour. Supported by a year round water supply and fodder, the Ngorongoro National Park supports a vast variety of animals, which include herds of wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, eland, warthog, hippo, and giant African elephants. Another big draw card to this picturesque national park,  it’s dense population of predators, which include lions, hyenas, jackals, cheetahs and the ever-elusive leopard, which sometimes requires a trained eye to spot.

We will visit Lake Magadi, a large but shallow alkaline lake in the southwestern corner, which is one of the main features of the crater. A large number of flamingos, hippos and other water birds can usually been seen here. We will enjoy a picnic lunch in the crater, after lunch proceeds for another afternoon game drive untl 1730hrs when you will ascend from the crater and proceed to Tarangire National park. Dinner and overnight in the Seronera area, as per the standard and type of accommodation option requested.

Day 6: Tarangire National Park – Arusha Travel time: 2 hours {Distance: 120 km}
After breakfast proceed for the full day game drive. The park runs along the line of the Tarangire River and is mainly made up of low-lying hills on the Great Rift Valley floor. Its natural vegetation mainly consists of Acacia woodland and giant African Baobab trees, with huge swamp areas in the south. Both the river and the swamps act like a magnet for wild animals, during Tanzania’s dry season.

The Tarangire National Park is reputed to contain some of the largest elephant herds in Africa. This African national park is also home to three rare species of animals – the Greater Kudu, the Fringed-eared Oryx, as well as a few Ashy Starlings. After a picnic lunch we do an afternoon game drive which will be followed by exit the park and then be transferred to Arusha arriving late early evening with a drop off in to your hotel of choice or back to the Airport if your flight will be the same day.

Contact Us

Included in the package
1: Transport with 4×4 Jeep with pop-up roof.
2: All park entrance fees.
3: Accommodations in while on safari as agreed.
4: Full board,three meals per day while on safari.
5: Pick up from the airport upon arrival.
6: Game drive.
7: Drinking Water.

Excluded in the package
1: Tips.
2: International Flight.
3: Accommodation in Arusha.

5 Days Tanzania Safari

Day 1: Arusha – Lake Manyara.

On thus Safari, After having breakfast around 08:30am you will be picked up from the hotel and depart to the Lake Manyara National park,on arrival check in the sun bright camp or Mto Wa Mbu,leave your luggage’s in the camp and then proceed for the whole day game drive.On this day you will have your packed lunch with you so that we can have enough time inside the park.Explore the park,the main attractions here are the tree climbing lions.

The park is small in size but the terrain is diverse. The vegetation comprises of groundwater forest, open grassland, swamp and acacia woodland with giant mahogany and fig trees. The park is home to a wide variety of mammals and birds. Dinner and overnight at the Lodge.

Day 2: Lake Manyara – Ngorongoro

On this day you will have early breakfast as early as 0630am,then leave for Ngorongoro,this normally takes like 45min from the Rhino Lodge to Ngorongoro,on arrival you will check in the crater and the whole day will be spent down the crater.You will have  for a full day crater tour with a picnic lunch. The crater is a home to all the big five and hence the same may be seen. Hippos, cheetah, antelopes and the spotted hyena abound as well as flamingos in the crater lakes. In the evening ascend steep and narrow crater walls for dinner and overnight at the Lodge

Day 3: Ngorongoro – Serengeti

After breakfast, depart the Ngorongoro conservation area for Serengeti National park via the pre – historic site at Olduvai Gorge, which was discovered by the famous archeologist Dr. L.S.B Leakey. The park covers 12,944 square km of open plains making it one of the largest in the world. The rocky out-crops referred to as Skopje in the eastern part of the park are of scenic beauty and occasionally various cats can be seen lazing on them. The park contains very vast herds of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and other antelopes. After your game drive you will retire for the night at the Lodge!

Day 4: Serengeti full day

Morning and afternoon game drives in the Serengeti with a lunch and leisure break at the lodge in the mid afternoon. The term “Serengeti” mean endless plains in the Masai language. In the central plains there are carnivores like lion, leopard, hyena and cheetah. This park is normally the scene of the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra, which occurs between the Serengeti and Kenya’s Masai Mara. Variety of bird species can be seen in this park. Dinner and overnight at the Lodge.

Day 5: Serengeti – Arusha

After breakfast, have the final game drive as you check out the park,then drive back to Arusha arriving late afternoon around 04.30pm with a drop off to the hotel of your choice where the adventure comes to an end.

Contact Us

Included In The Package Above

  1. Transport with safari Vehicle with pop-up roof 4×4 Jeep
  2. All park entrance fees
  3. Accommodations in the Luxury Lodges or Camp
  4. Full board,three meals per day while on safari
  5. Pick up from the airport upon arrival
  6. Game drives
  7. Drinking water

Excluded included in tour:
1. Tips
2. Tanzania Visa
3. Personal Nature or effects
4. Tips
5. Soft Drinks like sodas and beer

What To Bring

  • Small towel, toiletries, toilet paper
  • Sunscreen and lipbalm
  • First aid kit and insect repellent
  • Flash light
  • Binoculars
  • Camera with zoom lenses
  • Spare film or memory card and batteries or battery pack
  • Sun glass and sun hat
  • Long sleeved shirt and long trousers
  • Warm sweater
  • Day pack

5 Days camping safari

Cheetah Trekking offers Great safaris Packages for better price, Our 5 Days Camping Safari starts from Arusha. The safaris are excellent for persons who have a very short time to spare but are dying to go on an African safari of a life time. The Safari tour start and ends at Arusha town.

Day 1: – Tarangire National Park.
Morning breakfast at Arusha, safari briefing and after wards we depart for Tarangire National Park. Your first experience of safari will be the thrilling game drive through the vastness of Tarangire National Park, arrive in good time for lunch. Afternoon game driving through the park followed by dinner and overnight (at aven venture campsite FB) at Lake manyara.

DAY 2:- Manyara to Serengeti.
We proceed to Olduvai Gorge, known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind’. It was here, in the Great Rift Valley, that the remains of early hominids dating back 2 million years were uncovered. Afterwards, we visit the most famous wildlife sanctuary in the world – Serengeti National Park. The word ‘Serengeti’ means ‘endless plains’, which describes the park’s 5,600 square mile boundary. Yet for its sprawling area, the Serengeti does not disappoint when it comes to rich game- viewing. The Serengeti ecosystem is one of the oldest on earth. We make our way to serengeti campsite for dinner and overnight stay.

DAY 3:- Full day in Serengeti.
We embark on an encore game drive in the expansive Serengeti National Park. The Serengeti boasts one of the most varied collections of wildlife on the planet. Annually, from May to December, millions of animals embark on a migration which brings them from central Serengeti to Kenya’s Masai Mara and back again in an incredible spectacle. Even during the ‘down-time’, vast herds of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle roam here, along with groups of elephant, giraffe, and buffalo, as the lions, leopard, cheetah, hyenas and jackals stalk their meals. We return: serengeti campsite for dinner and overnight stay.

DAY 4: Serengeti to Ngorongoro crater.  
We depart from the Serengeti to visit the largest intact volcanic crater in the world, the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater. At more than 2,000 feet deep and 12 miles in diameter, the Ngorongoro Crater has one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in Africa. 30,000 animals make their home in this crater, making it an ideal place for sightings of the ‘big 5’ – lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard. This truly world-class attraction is also known as the ‘8th Wonder of the World’. Before your permit expires it is time to drive out of The Conservation Area and drive to Twiga Campsite for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Fully day Lake Manyara the drive to Arusha.
After a full English breakfast we leave the lodge and proceed to lake manyara for fully day game view. The park is highlighted with lots of these trees and the tree climbing lions which are often spotted taking afternoon siesta on the branches. Other animal’s common in this park includes the impalas, giraffe’s buffaloes and impalas. Just at the entrance of this beautiful park is an underground water forest and a perfect habitat for the Blue monkeys, the baboons, bush bucks and the gigantic elephants sheltering in the sheds from the afternoon sun and devouring the green branches and twigs and herbs. The Hippo pools and at the Lake Manyara itself you will get the chance to observe the Hippos and the aquatic birds including the colorful Flamingoes, pelicans, Egyptian geese, cormorants, and many more. You will take lunch at one of the picnic sites in the national park. Then In the late afternoon you will be drive to Arusha for Overnight at your hotel.

Price for this tour, please contact us for more details.

Tour Price Include:
• All park entrance, Accommodation and administrative fees.
• All meals while on Safari.
• 3litre water on a daily basis.
• Transfer to/from Arusha.
• 4WD transportation while on Safari.
• Staff fees.
• Camping accommodation where noted.
• Walking Tour in the in some protected areas.

Price Excludes:
• International airfares and departure taxes.
• All items of person nature such as telephone call, fax, email etc.
• Trips and gratuities to hotel, lodges, porters, camp staff and driver – guide(s).
• Alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.
• Laundry services.
• Visa and International flight tickets fees.

7 Days migration safari

Day 1: Lake Manyara National Park.

On this  first day you will depart Arusha for Lake Manyara for lunch at lodge, Afternoon game drive. Dinner and overnight at Lake Manyara Serena hotel/ Eunoto lodge.

Day 2: Serengeti.

After breakfast, leave Lake Manyara for Serengeti via Olduvai Gorge, with Game drive and Picnic Lunch en route. The park covers 12,944km2 of open plains making it one of the largest in the world. The rocky outcrops commonly known as ‘kopjes’ in the eastern part of the park are of scenic beauty and occasionally cats can be seen lazing on them. The park contains vast herds of wildebeest, zebra, gazelle and other antelopes. Dinner and overnight at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge/similar.

Day 3: Serengeti National Park

After breakfast take a packed lunch with you and continue with game viewing on Serengeti Park. The migration can be seen on a long chain approximately 40 Km heading to the south western direction. Around 1230 and 1300 break for your lunch. After lunch have a rest for one hr, then proceed with your game viewing following the move of the migrants on the southwest of the park. Aprox 1.3 million wildebeest, 250,000 gazelles and 200,000 Zebras have been recorded sharing the short grass/ water which is the source of food for the millions of Animals in this South Area. Dinner and overnight at the Serengeti Sopa Lodge or Camping similar.

Day 4: Serengeti –  Ngorongoro.

Morning Game drives in the vast Serengeti plain. Breakfast at around 0900am.The term Serengeti means endless plains in Maasai language. In the central plains there are carnivores like leopard, lion, hyena and cheetah. This park is normally the scene of the annual migration of wildebeest and zebra that occurs between the Kenyan Mara and the Serengeti. Varied bird species can be seen here including eagles, ducks,geese, egrets, vultures, secretary birds, ibis, stork,herons, kites, pelicans, cranes and guinea fowl. Afternoon Game drive and Picnic Lunch en route to Ngorongoro Sopa similar. Dinner and overnight at the lodge.

Day 5: Ngorongoro Crater.

This morning after breakfast you descend 670 meters to the Crater Floor with picnic lunch to enjoy a full day of game drives in the “eighth wonder of the world”, Ngorongoro Crater, the largest unbroken caldera on earth. The crater is 14.5km. Wide and is home to all the big five and hence the same may be seen. Hippos, cheetah, antelopes and the spotted hyena are other species commonly seen as well as flamingo’s on the crater lakes. Return to the lodge in the evening for dinner and overnight at one of the luxury lodges that overlook the crater.

After breakfast we depart to Lake Manyara driving through the Ngorongoro Conservancy and arriving at our hotel/lodge in good time for lunch. After a short siesta we go for an afternoon of Game Viewing with eyes open to try and catch a glimpse of the tree climbing lions that are a peculiarity of this game sanctuary. Numerous other wildlife species such as gazelles, impala, buffalo, wildebeest, hyena, baboon, giraffe, hippopotamus, and a great number of smaller mammals, 350 species of bird, storks and flamingo’s.are also to be found at this Lake side game park. This beautiful park is at the base of the Great Rift Valley escarpment and comprises of forest, woodland, grasslands, and swamps. The park contains five distinct vegetation zones and is of scenic beauty.. Dinner and overnight at one of the luxury resorts around the Lake.Day 6: Ngorongoro – Lake Manyara

Day 7: Lake Manyara – Arusha

After breakfast, depart Lake Manyara National Park, for the Northern Tanzania Tourist Capital of Arusha arriving in time for lunch.

Inquire the Package Price

  • Transport with safari Vehicle with pop-up roof 4×4 Jeep.
  • All park entrance fees.
  • Accommodations in the Lodge.
  • Accommodation In The Camp.
  • Full board,three meals per day while on safari.
  • Game drives.
  • Drinking water.

1.Tips for the drive.
2.Personal effects.
3.Soft drinks, beer, sodas etc.

4 Days Camping Safari

This 4 Days Tanzania Budget Camping Safari is a short perfect tour for the budget travellers, in this 4 Days Tanzania Budget Camping safari, you will visit Tarangire National Park or Lake Manyara Park, Serengeti National Park and Ngorongoro Crater.

 Detailed Tanzania Camping Safari Itinerary:

Day 1 : Arusha to Lake Manyara National Park or Tarangire National Park
After breakfast, proceed to Lake Manyara or Tarangire National Park for a full day game drive in the Park. See buffalo, giraffe, zebra and many more species, all set against the stunning backdrop of the Great Rift Wall. Dinner and overnight at the CAMPSITE.

Day 2 : Lake Manyara – Serengeti National Park
After breakfast, set out for the endless open plains and stunning skies of the Serengeti. A scenic four hour drive, full day game drive together with late evening game drive.
Dinner and overnight at Seronera Campsite.

Day 3 : Serengeti to Ngorongoro.
Early morning game drive and then after a relaxing morning and an early lunch, proceed to Ngorongoro, where the night will be spent on the Crater Rim.
Dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Simba Campsite.

Day 4 : Ngorongoro Crater tour – back to Arusha.

After early breakfast, proceed directly to the Crater floor for a full day crater tour with picnic lunches.
Later proceed back to Arusha in the evening.

Included in tour:
3 nights budget camping accommodation
Meals: Full Board – Breakfast, Hot Lunch or Picnic Lunch and Dinner while on Safari.
All Transfers and Transport 4×4 Safari Landcruiser, Park Fees, Camping Accommodation
Game viewing activities as stated in the above tour/safari description.
Services of a Safari Driver/ Guide and a Safari Cook.

Not included in tour:
Items of a Personal Nature
Tips and Gratitude’s to Safari Staff

What to bring:
A warm sweater as the nights can be chilly at high altitudes.
Comfortable shoes, Tower.
Sleeping bags.

8 Days luxury safari northern circuit and zanzibar

8 days luxury safari northern circuit and zanzibar


After arriving at Kilimanjaro International Airport you will be transferred to the Arusha Coffee Lodge on the foothills of Mount Meru where you can relax and prepare yourself for the adventures and excitement that lies ahead of you.
Accommodation: Arusha Coffee Lodge.


After breakfast we’ll leave Arusha and travel to Lake Manyara National Park beneath the cliffs of the Manyara Escarpment on the edge of the Rift Valley. You’ll have lunch at the Lake Manyara Wildlife Lodge then enjoy an afternoon game drive. Lake Manyara National Park offers a wide variety of ecosystems, incredibly diverse bird life and breathtaking views.

This is a great opportunity to spot herbivores such as hippo, impala, elephant, wildebeest, buffalo, warthog and giraffe. It is also home to the largest concentration of baboons anywhere in the world, thousands of flamingos and, if you’re lucky, you might even spot the famous tree-climbing lions.
Accommodation: Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge.


After breakfast we’ll depart for Serengeti National Park. You’ll be driven along the Ngorongoro Crater rim to the Serengeti plains stopping at Olduvai Gorge, an archaeological site made famous by the Louis and Mary Leakey discoveries and the Masai Boma community. After visiting the archaeological site and museum we’ll enjoy a picnic lunch then drive on to the Serengeti, with a game drive on the way through its vast plains.
Accommodation: Four Seasons Serengeti Safari Lodge.


We’ll start the day with an early breakfast followed by a full day of unparalleled opportunities for wildlife viewing in the Serengeti and a picnic lunch. Serengeti National Park hosts the annual Migration and is renowned for the ever-present predators such as lion, hyena, cheetah, jackal and leopard that prey on the many herbivores. We’ll can go back to the lodge in the later afternoon or earlier if you prefer.
Accommodation: Four Seasons Serengeti Safari Lodge..


After breakfast, we’ll drive to Ngorongoro passing through Masai Boma and descending into the Ngorongoro crater for a game drive. The main feature of the Ngorongoro is the crater – a large, unbroken, unflooded volcanic caldera. Ngorongoro Crater, which formed when a giant volcano exploded and collapsed on itself some two to three million years ago, is 610 m (2,000 ft) deep and its floor covers 260km² (100 miles²). Estimates of the height of the original volcano range from fifteen to nineteen thousand feet (4500 to 5800 metres). Wildlife is prolific in the crater including most of the animal species found in East Africa, such as lion, elephant, zebra, rhino, leopard, buffalo, gazelle, wildebeest, hippo and many different species of birds. We’ll take a picnic lunch with us so that we can make the most of the wildlife viewing opportunities.
Accommodation: Ngorongoro Exploreans Lodge.


After breakfast you’ll depart for Arusha, arriving in good time for lunch at the Shanga Restaurant. After lunch you will be transferred to the airport for an afternoon flight to Zanzibar. Upon arrival in Zanzibar, you will be transferred to La Gemma dell’Est hotel where you can take in the views of the Indian Ocean and enjoy a refreshing swim in the pool.
Accommodation: La Gemma dell’Est.


After breakfast, you will be transferred to Kizimkazi where you can visit the fishing village and see the 12th century mosque which is the earliest evidence of Islam in East Africa. Kizimkazi is home to several schools of bottle-nosed dolphins so you’ll also be doing some dolphin spotting.
Accommodation: La Gemma dell’Est.


After breakfast at your leisure with time to reflect on your amazing adventures you’ll be transferred to the airport for your flight home.

8 Days serengeti wildebeests migration

8 days serengeti wildebeests migration

Day 1: Arrival – Arusha.
Pick up from Kilimanjaro airport on arrival and transfer you to Kibo Palace Hotel for Dinner and overnight stay.

Day 2 Arusha – Lake Manyara- Ngorongoro conservation area.
Leave Arusha at 0800 hrs and proceed to Lake Manyara national park for full day game drives with packed lunches – proceed to Ngorongoro conservation area for dinner and overnight stay at Ngorongoro Serena lodge .
Located beneath the cliffs of the Manyara Escarpment, on the edge of the Rift Valley, Lake Manyara National Park offers varied ecosystems, incredible bird life, and breathtaking views. Lake Manyara’s famous tree-climbing lions are another reason to pay this park a visit. The only kind of their species in the world, they make the ancient mahogany and elegant acacias their home during the rainy season, and are a well-known but rather rare feature of the northern park. In addition to the lions, the national park is also home to the largest concentration of baboons anywhere in the world — a fact that makes for interesting game viewing of large families of the primates.

Day 3: Ngorongoro Crater Tour.
Early breakfast then descend into to Ngorongoro Crater for a full day crater tour with packed lunches ascend for dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Serena Lodge.
The Ngorongoro Crater is often called ‘Africa’s Eden’ and the ‘8th Natural Wonder of the World,’ a visit to the crater is a main draw card for tourists coming to Tanzania and a definite world-class attraction. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA) is home of Ngorongoro Crater. It was formed some 2.5 million years ago from a volcanic mountain sinking due to inactivity, and was initially thought to be higher than Tanzania’s famous Kilimanjaro. The crater has evolved into a unique and integral part of Tanzania’s eco-system. The crater is actually a caldera, measures 22.5 km’s across and the rim walls stand 600m high. Views from within and from the rim are breathtaking (as can be seen from the picture). The crater houses 30,000 animals and a large variety of birds, which rarely move from the area due to the availability of water through wet and dry seasons.

Day 4: Serengeti Ndutu Plains – Olduvai Gorge.
After breakfast drive to Ngorongoro Conservation Area via Olduvai Gorge archaeological site. At Olduvai palaeo-anthropological diggings and discoveries have taken place over many years, by, among others, the famous husband-and-wife team of Louis and Mary Leakey. After leaving Olduvai we will soon be passing through multitudes of wildebeest en route to the renowned Ndutu Area, ideally situated under classic umbrella-thorn acacias in the heart of the southern Serengeti where we spend the afternoon viewing herds of wildebeest/Zebras and predators. Dinner and overnight stay at Ndutu safari lodge or Luxury Tented camp.

Days 5 -7: Ndutu plains.
The next 3 days will be spent exploring the grassy plains and woodlands in the area, tracking the massed herds of wildebeest and zebra, witnessing the birth of new calves and trailing predators such as lion, cheetah and hyena on the hunt. The area also teems with other wildlife, including elephants, eland, various gazelle species, Kirk’s dik-dik, giraffe and the elusive leopard. Ndutu safari lodge or Luxury Tented camp.

Serengeti is easily Tanzania’s most famous national park, and it’s also the largest, at 14,763 square kilometres of protected area that borders Kenya’s Masai Mara Game Park It is the Migration for which Serengeti is perhaps most famous. Over a million wildebeest and about 200,000 zebras flow south from the northern hills to the southern plains for the short rains every October and November, and then swirl west and north after the long rains in April, May and June. So strong is the ancient instinct to move that no drought, gorge or crocodile infested river can hold them back. The Wildebeest travel through a variety of parks, reserves and protected areas and through a variety of habitat. Join us to explore the different forms of vegetation and landscapes of the Serengeti ecosystem and meet some of their most fascinating inhabitants.

Day 8: Depart.
Breakfast then drive to Arusha to arrive by 1300 hrs, drop off to the airport to board your home bound flight.

N.B – you could add a few days to Zanzibar.

Contact us For more details

Tour price includes:-
– Guarantee price/guarantee safari on confirmation.
– Full board accommodations while on safari in a twin or double.
— 1 night hotel accommodations in Arusha on Bed and breakfast basis.
– Service of a professional driver/ guide.
– Transport based on a 4WD Safari vehicle with pop up roof for game viewing.
– Driver allowances and park fees for vehicle and driver /park entry fees.
– Extensive game drives as per the Itinerary.
– Crater tour.
– Government taxes.

– Extras at the lodges i.e. drinks, telephone, laundry etc.
– Entry Visa.
– Tips to porters and drivers.

5 Days Tanzania camping safari

Cheetah Trekking  offers Great safaris Packages for better price, Our 5 Days Tanzania Camping Safari starts from Arusha. The safaris are excellent for persons who have a very short time to spare but are dying to go on an African safari of a life time. The Safari tour start and ends at Arusha town.

Day 1: – Tarangire National Park.
Morning breakfast at Arusha, safari briefing and after wards we depart for Tarangire National Park. Your first experience of safari will be the thrilling game drive through the vastness of Tarangire National Park, arrive in good time for lunch. Afternoon game driving through the park followed by dinner and overnight (at aven venture campsite FB) at Lake manyara.

DAY 2:- Manyara to Serengeti.
We proceed to Olduvai Gorge, known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind’. It was here, in the Great Rift Valley, that the remains of early hominids dating back 2 million years were uncovered. Afterwards, we visit the most famous wildlife sanctuary in the world – Serengeti National Park. The word ‘Serengeti’ means ‘endless plains’, which describes the park’s 5,600 square mile boundary. Yet for its sprawling area, the Serengeti does not disappoint when it comes to rich game- viewing. The Serengeti ecosystem is one of the oldest on earth. We make our way to serengeti campsite for dinner and overnight stay.

DAY 3:- Full day in Serengeti.
We embark on an encore game drive in the expansive Serengeti National Park. The Serengeti boasts one of the most varied collections of wildlife on the planet. Annually, from May to December, millions of animals embark on a migration which brings them from central Serengeti to Kenya’s Masai Mara and back again in an incredible spectacle. Even during the ‘down-time’, vast herds of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle roam here, along with groups of elephant, giraffe, and buffalo, as the lions, leopard, cheetah, hyenas and jackals stalk their meals. We return: serengeti campsite for dinner and overnight stay.

DAY 4: Serengeti to Ngorongoro crater.  
We depart from the Serengeti to visit the largest intact volcanic crater in the world, the magnificent Ngorongoro Crater. At more than 2,000 feet deep and 12 miles in diameter, the Ngorongoro Crater has one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in Africa. 30,000 animals make their home in this crater, making it an ideal place for sightings of the ‘big 5’ – lion, elephant, rhino, buffalo and leopard. This truly world-class attraction is also known as the ‘8th Wonder of the World’. Before your permit expires it is time to drive out of The Conservation Area and drive to Twiga Campsite for dinner and overnight.

Day 5: Fully day Lake Manyara the drive to Arusha.
After a full English breakfast we leave the lodge and proceed to lake manyara for fully day game view. The park is highlighted with lots of these trees and the tree climbing lions which are often spotted taking afternoon siesta on the branches. Other animal’s common in this park includes the impalas, giraffe’s buffaloes and impalas. Just at the entrance of this beautiful park is an underground water forest and a perfect habitat for the Blue monkeys, the baboons, bush bucks and the gigantic elephants sheltering in the sheds from the afternoon sun and devouring the green branches and twigs and herbs. The Hippo pools and at the Lake Manyara itself you will get the chance to observe the Hippos and the aquatic birds including the colorful Flamingoes, pelicans, Egyptian geese, cormorants, and many more. You will take lunch at one of the picnic sites in the national park. Then In the late afternoon you will be drive to Arusha for Overnight at your hotel.

Price for this tour, please contact us for more details.

Tour Price Include:
• All park entrance, Accommodation and administrative fees.
• All meals while on Safari.
• 3litre water on a daily basis.
• Transfer to/from Arusha.
• 4WD transportation while on Safari.
• Staff fees.
• Camping accommodation where noted.
• Walking Tour in the in some protected areas.

Price Excludes:
• International airfares and departure taxes.
• All items of person nature such as telephone call, fax, email etc.
• Trips and gratuities to hotel, lodges, porters, camp staff and driver – guide(s).
• Alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks.
• Laundry services.
• Visa and International flight tickets fees.

12 Days Tanzania lodge Safari

Pack your baggage and join this exciting 12 days Tanzania lodge Safari. This spectacular safari cover Tanzania most popular parks to see the amazing wildlife living there. Visit our world largest wonder crater of Ngorongoro and witness the great wildebeest migration route.

Day 1: Pick up from the airport /border, Arrive to Arusha Kibo palace/ SG resort for lunch/dinner overnight. Stay at kibo palace hotel or SG resort on all inclusive basis.

DAY 2: Breakfast at the hotel .Drive to Arusha national park for the game drive with lunch boxes. Dinner/Overnight stay at kibo palace or SG resort on all inclusive basis.

DAY 3: Breakfast at the lodge, drive to Moromboi tented lodge for lunch .After  lunch drive to Tarangire National Park for a game drive .Dinner/Overnight stay at Moromboi tented lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 4: Breakfast at the lodge, drive to Lake Manyara National Park for game drive with lunch boxes .Dinner/Overnight at Farm House Lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 5: Early breakfast (boxes breakfast)drive to Lake Eyasi for visiting bushmen tribe and other local tribe with their activities .Afternoon drive back to the lodge for lunch followed by nature work at the coffee farms. Dinner/Overnight stay at Ngoro Ngoro Farm house lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 6: Early breakfast (boxes breakfast) drive to Ngoro Ngoro crater for game drive with lunch boxes .Dinner/Overnight stay at Ngoro Ngoro Farm house lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 7: Breakfast at the lodge, drive to Serengeti National Park with game en-route at Serengeti National Park. Dinner/Overnight at Kubukubu tented lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 8: Breakfast at the lodge, game drive at Serengeti National Park with lunch boxes. Dinner/Overnight at Kubukubu tented lodge on all inclusive basis.

DAY 9: Breakfast at the lodge, Drive to seronera airport for your flight to Arusha airport. From Arusha airport drive back to kibo palace or SG resort for lunch .After lunch drive back to Arusha airport for your flight to Zanzibar airport .After Zanzibar airport drive to Tembo Beach hotel. Dinner/Overnight stay at Zanzibar Tembo beach hotel on all inclusive basis.

DAY 10: Breakfast at the lodge, leisure or activities at Zanzibar with lunch at lodge, Dinner /Overnight at Zanzibar Tembo beach hotel on all inclusive basis.

DAY 11: Breakfast at the lodge, leisure or activities at Zanzibar with lunch at the lodge. Dinner/Overnight at Zanzibar Tembo beach hotel on all inclusive basis.

DAY 12: Breakfast at the lodge, drive to Zanzibar airport for your flight back to your country.



This 12 days safari will include a visit to several 5 part in Tanzania including Arusha National Park, Tarangire National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Lake Eyas, Ngoro Ngoro crater, Serengeti National Park, seronera and Zanzibar.


A cultural visit to the Bushmen and other local tribe.

French, Italian, Spanish and English speak guide.


The following meals are included, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

The following dietary requirement are saved and /or catered for

Regular (typical included meat and fish. If you have special dietary requirement please communicate it to the organizer when making a reservation.

What’s included

11 night accommodation

All Meals

All Park entry fees

Charging place while you’re in vehicle

Experience speaking Guide (English, Italian, French)

Local flight if needed

Mineral of 1 liter per person per day while in safari vehicle

Safari vehicle (four wheel drive)

Transfer from airport and back to airport.

-What’s not included.



Safaris Guide tips

Laundry services

Cost of International flight

Porter tips

Telephone bill

Visa fees.

How to get there?


Please book your flight to Arrive Kilimanjaro airport or Arusha airport, we’ll pick you up transfer to the lodge